Matthew Salacuse
Matthew Salacuse has been a commercial/ editorial photographer since he graduated from NYU in the mid 90s. He proudly boasts that he never had a real job or a resume (which makes writing this all the more difficult) He has shot major ad campaigns for Reebok, Pepsi, Adult Swim, Comedy Central and TruTv. He has photographer a wide swath of public figures over the last 20 years that include Hilary Clinton, Ol’Dirty Bastard, Rihanna, JayZ, Andrew Yang and his favorite subjects stand up comedians: Byron Bowers, Mark Normand, Sam Jay, Ryan Hamilton, Sam Morril, Taylor Tomlinson, The Broad City women & The Lucas Brothers et al. During the pandemic the photo industry came to a screeching which allowed Matt to reflect and start to work with the people he liked to work with the most. Comics. He directed two full length specials. One stand up special and one documentary on the return of comedy to the NYC scene post COVID