Upcoming Shows
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- Saturday March 22nd 04:00PM
- Matinee with Ry Daddy ft: Ryan Dacalos, Daniel Simonsen, Henry Sir, Shivani Davé, Matt Pavich
- It’s never too early to get your comedy fix! Skip out of work early and join us for this "matinee" mix of fresh faces, club faves, and citywide stars.
- Saturday March 22nd 05:00PM
- Matinee with Ry Daddy ft: Ryan Dacalos, Katie Hannigan, Daniel Simonsen, Dean Obeidallah, Amanda Gail
- It’s never too early to get your comedy fix! Skip out of work early and join us for this "matinee" mix of fresh faces, club faves, and citywide stars.
- Saturday March 22nd 05:30PM
- Todd Barry, Eric Neumann, Ayanna Dookie, Santi Espinosa
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingEric NeumannAyanna DookieErin MaguireSanti EspinosaTodd Barry
- Saturday March 22nd 06:15PM
- Kevin Dombrowski, Mary Santora, Shaun Murphy, Shafi Hossain
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingKevin DombrowskiErin MaguireShaun MurphyMichele DuranteShafi HossainMary Santora
- Saturday March 22nd 07:00PM
- H. Foley, Reggie Conquest, Ayanna Dookie, Gina Brillon
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingReggie ConquestH. FoleyAyanna DookieGina Brillon
- Saturday March 22nd 08:00PM
- Chuck Nice, H. Foley, Christian Finnegan, Marion Grodin
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingMarion GrodinH. FoleyChristian FinneganChuck Nice
- Saturday March 22nd 08:30PM
- Rell Battle, Chris Scopo, Rojo Perez, Katie Boyle
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingRell BattleChris ScopoRojo PerezKatie Boyle
- Saturday March 22nd 09:15PM
- Mike Cannon, Jessica Levin, Brendan Sagalow, Gina Brillon
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingMike CannonJessica LevinBrendan SagalowGina Brillon
- Saturday March 22nd 10:30PM
- Dave Temple, Alex Kumin, Marion Grodin, Mike Cannon
- Nothing says downtown NYC like a microphone, a stool, a brick wall and a comedian. Stand up comedy has been a staple of Village nightlife for decades! The newly expanded New York Comedy Club is proud to join the thriving arts and entertainment scene in the East Village, building on our strong presence at our flagship location in Gramercy.FeaturingMarion GrodinMike CannonDave TempleAlex Kumin
- Saturday March 22nd 10:45PM
- Christian Finnegan, Brendan Sagalow, Chris Scopo, Tocarra Elise
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingChristian FinneganBrendan SagalowChris ScopoTocarra Elise
- Saturday March 22nd 11:30PM
- Elle Orlando, Dave Temple, Jessica Levin, Derek Humphrey
- Get the authentic NYC stand up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hotshot celebrity drop ins, national and international touring comics and more surprises!FeaturingDave TempleJessica LevinDerek HumphreyElle OrlandoJesse Eigner
- Sunday March 23rd 05:00PM
- Matinee with Ry Daddy ft: Ryan Dacalos, Henry Sir, Daniel Tirado, Shivani Davé
- It’s never too early to get your comedy fix! Skip out of work early and join us for this "matinee" mix of fresh faces, club faves, and citywide stars.
- Sunday March 23rd 05:30PM
- Comedy Mob Open Mic
- Wildly popular and thoroughly unpredictable, New York City comedy collective Comedy Mob brings their Open Mic to New York Comedy Club on East 4th Street every Sunday evening at 5:30 PM. Think you're funny (enuff)? Want to take a turn at the mic? Check out the “Perform with us” link on their website: www.ComedyMob.com
- Sunday March 23rd 06:00PM
- Eagle Witt, Ashton Womack, Kevin Dombrowski, Ryan Beck, Meghan Hanley
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingEagle WittAshton WomackKevin DombrowskiRyan BeckMeghan Hanley
- Sunday March 23rd 07:00PM
- Jon Rudnitsky, Isiah Kelly, Ophira Eisenberg, Sally Ann Hall, James Mattern
- Wondering what to do tonight? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! Whether you’re with your friends from work looking for a great Happy Hour, want to have a fun, casual date night or just love to laugh every day, our comedy nights have you covered!FeaturingIsiah KellyJon RudnitskyOphira EisenbergSally Ann HallJames Mattern
- Sunday March 23rd 08:00PM
- YerrrLywood ft: Jared Freid, Sarah Tollemache, Chris Riggins, Cris Sosa, Sasha Merci + SPECIAL GUEST
- Yerrrlywood hosted, since day one, by Nicky Paris and produced by LeniPenny, is a hit show at the Comedy Store which features the best comedians from the east coast. We combine half of the lineup from the east coast and half from the west coast.
- Sunday March 23rd 08:30PM
- Isiah Kelly, Jon Rudnitsky, Ophira Eisenberg, James Mattern
- Get ready for non-stop laughs, Upper West Side! Our brand-new club is open – and features the best comedians in NYC and beyond – in a cozy, intimate setting. Enjoy a full bar, tasty snacks, and a vibrant atmosphere that’s perfect for any night out. This room is sure to become a favorite of comics and audience alike.FeaturingIsiah KellyJon RudnitskyOphira EisenbergJames Mattern
- Sunday March 23rd 09:15PM
- Eagle Witt, Ashton Womack, Sally Ann Hall, Collin Chamberlin
- Wondering what to do tonight? Our New York stand up comedy showcase is one of the most fun things to do on a weeknight! Whether you’re with your friends from work looking for a great Happy Hour, want to have a fun, casual date night or just love to laugh every day, our comedy nights have you covered!FeaturingEagle WittAshton WomackSally Ann HallCollin Chamberlin
- Sunday March 23rd 09:45PM
- New Jokes & Newbies
- If a band practices in a garage, where does a comedian practice?... Right here!Take a peek into the "garage" as veterans work on new material and fresh faced comics polish up their acts. The lineup is a surprise and changes nightly - you never know who you're gonna see!
- Monday March 24th 07:00PM
- Aaron Berg, Damien Lemon, Liz Glazer, Andy Haynes, Erin Maguire
- Get the authentic NYC stand-up comedy experience at New York Comedy Club! Enjoy a nightly showcase of the best comedians in the city, hot up-and-comers, plus hot-shot celebrity drop-ins, national and international touring comics, and more surprises!FeaturingAaron BergDamien LemonLiz GlazerAndy HaynesErin Maguire
- Monday March 24th 07:30PM
- Good Eggs ft: Mark Normand, Alex Falcone, Cipha Sounds, Gary Vider, Matt Ruby, Meghan Hanley
- It's time for GOOD EGGS! Time Out NY called it "one of the best weekly shows in the city" and Thrillist said it's "one of the best underground comedy shows in NYC." Presented by Mark Normand, Gary Vider, and Matt Ruby - who often perform in the lineup - it's an unmissable NYC comedy-scene staple and one of the longest-running independently produced comedy shows in town. Past surprise guests include Jim Gaffigan, Hannibal Burress, Sarah Silverman, Aziz Ansari, and Anthony Jeselnik.FeaturingMark NormandAlex FalconeCipha SoundsGary ViderMatt RubyMeghan Hanley